Saturday, August 30, 2008

Braces are gone!!!!

AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you all know I have had my braces for about a year and a half. I have been ready since day one to have them taken off! I know i'm impatient... but my dreams finally came true and now they are gone! and now I lick my teeth cause they are sooooo smooth!! I will put better pictures on but this is all I have................ FOR NOW!!!!!!


MegRich said...

Ow ow! You look great! I bet that feels so great to have your braces off. Congrats!

Annamarie said...

YAY! That is awesome! hahaha

KaraLyn said...

They look BEAUTIFUL!!! I bet you are glad to have them GONE!!! Just don't forget to wear your retainer when you are suppose to so you don't have problems later (sorry, spoken like a mom... but I was yours for a week... right???) Have fun!!!